Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is this just a stage in dovelopment?

Okay, I know it sounds cheesy, like something you'd read in an american girl "going through puberty" book or something, but here it goes... I didn't think there was anything wrong with my until I started noticing that mine were different that the other girl's on my swim team. They are so pointy/ triangular that do bra fits my shape. My **** are really low (almoast at the bottom of my s, not in the middle) so much that the literally touch my tummy when I slouch. My are ALWAYS rock hard too. I this a phase I'll grow out of, or is this the way my are going to ber forever? I got my first period 18 months ago, so that hopfully means I still have some "growing" to do (correct me if I'm wrong)

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