Thursday, November 10, 2011

Help! I'm a feminine ?

i'm attracted to women, but more specifically androgynous (not butch to the extreme or femme, but i think you get what i'm saying). problem is, i'm reeeeaaaallly girly. i wear a lot of makeup, earrings, hair down to my , the whole enchilada. also, i'm not out yet. but i really want to be in a relationship. i'm also very shy. how do i attract gay girls/drop subtle hints that i am also gay? also, is being really feminine a turn off, even to butch girls? i'm sorry if i sound ill-educated about this. i'm not out of the closet, i've just come to terms with my uality a few months ago but have always been gay, just chose to supress the feelings and hide it even from myself.

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