Friday, November 11, 2011

My roommate is eating my food and i want to punch him in the neck!!!?

i live with my son's father, our baby, & a friend of mine. i am flattered by the fact that my roommate enjoys my cooking, but this is getting ridiculous. i cooked a big pot of food yesterday in hopes that it would last at least 4 or 5 days between all of us (whenever i cooked smaller portions before he would wind through them quickly, even the leftovers). in the pot i cooked i left about 20 pieces of chicken and broth to go with the rice i cooked. half of the chicken was gone the next day and all of the broth is gone from the chicken pot. i can't front, the roommate has a heart as big as all out doors, and there have been times he's given me money for food when there was none. this isn't about money. its about the time i put into cooking food that should last for days and its gone in one day. i would like to be able to cook and enjoy what i make too, and i don't want to start separating things out. he does a lot for me and my family. i don't want to look like a b*tch, but i need help.

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