Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ok, Enough is Enough?

So I have a homeopathic doctor who told me that from my hair follicle test it shows my female system is imbalanced. Long story short, I was prescribed Preseodymium Phosphori to balance me out. I have been taking it but for the last 6 mths my mentrual period has been late off and on by a week, two and once I skipped a month. In the midst of all this, I have developed this strange habit of getting this knot in my throat that feels like when you want to cry but you hold back. If I am on the preseodymium phosphori the throat issue is gone,...but where is my period? I am 45 days waiting still from the the first day of my last period. I have off and on cramps....some emotional issues but other than that, no period symptoms. I'm just tired of waiting for my period.... Is it possible I am going through pre-menapause? I am not and cannot get pregnant because my boyfriend and I cannot conceive together. Is it the homeopathics? Any HD's out there?

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