Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if rappers REALLY acted like role models?

and actively participated in their communities. like if contracts were written for only rappers who were willing to uplift in certain cities. like, alright we already have a rapper in DC... but there are openings in Utah.... if they flew straight and spoke with meaning... they could change the world! how much would it cost for them to have rallies where they'd encourage ppl who live how they used to get proper education and prosper?

I am looking for this candy called Rascals. I found it online but it is only sold in bulk. Heard of it?

Yes it is a candy that is also marketed as a gum. You can find it @ candy stores as well as Cracker Barrel.

Am I a pervert?

I am a 20 year old junior in college male. I am dating a 16 year old junior in high school. We live in Texas, so age of consent is 17. She will be 17 in July. I know most people would frown upon this and call me a pedophile or whatever, but aren't pedophiles people who spefically target younger girls? Because I find myself very much attracted to her and I care about her so much and she cares about me. I am on her mom's good side, not the dad's yet. We've been seeing each other for about 3 months now. A lot of people now look at me bad but I don't care because I love this girl so much. The age difference is only 4 years and we work real well, she is just as mature as I am. Am I really a pervert just because of the numerical legal age? I am in love with the person, not the age..

Psychics? the greatrest chance they will ever get to prove that they actualy have psychic powers.?

madeleine maccanns case is the highest profile missing persons case in, in history. now if you had psychic powers, and knew where this child was, would you not travel to where ever she is and, call the police and bring this to an end. look at the public recognition you would get, and have your powers, authenticated, on a world wide scale, so come on to colin fry and the rest of the so called psychics,what are ye bullshit artists waiting for.

Who should I start at QB?

Jon Kitna. He has too many targets not to have a great game. Megatron (Calvin Johnson) has now emerged as a top 10 wideout in my opinion. Not to mention he's lining up opposite Roy Williams who is another star wide receiver. Kitna will have a great game and Helbeck is playing hurt and I don't trust Rodgers against I good Minnesota D.

PowerPoint 2007 (Remote Handheld Device) ?

I'm giving a cl presentation next week, and just wanted to know if there is a like a remote hand held device that I can use for controlling the slides and stuff? Where can I buy this remote from???

What are some songs that have left you truly and deeply disturbed?

Im in a fraternity and during the last week we make the pledges live in the basement and listen to the same CD over and over again while doing other tasks. I want this CD to be SUPER F***ED UP. I don't want any songs by bands like pink floyd or anything like that. I've checked the other answers for questions similar to this and to be honest the responses are kind of weak. I want some really raw sh**. I want a song that will make you think of the worst humanity has to offer and give you nightmares for weeks. A few I am already thinking of are Dancing With the Devil by Immortal Technique. Frankie Teardrop by Suicide. and Sanctity by Dystopia. Listen to those songs and you'll know what I'm talking about. I also don't want these to be songs that you or anyone should really enjoy. Aside from maybe Charles Manson or Ted Bundy.

In NYC, how can i learn what other people are paying in their rent-stabilized apartments?

I know the rent is recorded and regulated by the City of New York so there must be a record. How do I view the information?

Where can you watch survivor episodes without them being all jerky?

hulu sends you to cbs.com but unless you pause the show every 5 minutes for 5 minutes all you watch is a jerky feed? Anyone know how to stop this or where else I can view it?

Vodafone sony ericsson w350i from argos does it play music?

it s a walkman phone and some phones has already built in mp3...it has to play music if its a walkman inni tht's da whole point reli...says it has a wlkman player

How can I get my ex back?

My ex & I had dated for 2 years! We broke up almost 2 months ago. I'm currently 8 months pregnant & we're expecting a baby boy in 6 weeks! I miss him so much. We still laugh & have fun together. I'd really like to get back together with him. He expressed months ago that he no longer wanted to be with me & that he wouldn't mind if I started seeing someone else but I don't think that's 100% true! What do I do? He says we only still feel connected because we are having a child together.

Re-fretting my guitar?

i've got a ninety-five fender strat (50th anniversary) and it needs a re-fretting. I live in Queensland, Australia and i need to know where i'd have to send it and how much it's gonna cost me to get a re-fretting. I was thinking of getting those frets that don't ware down for ages (can't remember what material they are - i think it's titanium). Please give me links, info, general knowledge - anything. Thanks

*Lookin around, scratching my head in confusion*..... Is Charlie Checkm GONE FOR GOOD???

Seriously I aint seen him on here in a minute! The last time I saw him he asked a question and all 12 answers said "LOSER" (thats including mine, i came up with the LOSER thing- tee hee!) Anyways I aint seen him since so... could we be free?

Will a normal airsoft speedloader (for airsoft rifles,electric) work in a sig 552?

i was wondering if a normal speedloader from sports authoruty,from america, work in my ault rifle:sig 552 commando? and if it doesnt work for my airsoft gun, will it break the gun so that i cant load bbs in a normal magizine

Anorexia recovery help?

Recovery Nurses want me at 110, But weight has been at a stable 96-97 lbs past few weeks, and I'm eating the required amount, at the hospital and at home, But I loose if I go above that, I loose and go bakc, and I get punnished/quesioned on it, What should I do, Does that mean my weight is stabilizing? I've also got my periods already, n which when I started recovery, I had'nt had gotten them? I need help or sudgestions from experience?

If Chad Johnson played for a different team what team would best fit him?

hes good with the bengals they just need palmer but i can see him in a TEXANS uniform next to Andre Johnson

Any airsoft barrier suggestions?

well i have a huge back yard around 2.5 acres full of dirt and weeds and i really like to airsoft, so i am trying to get some stuff out there to build some barriers or something to hide behing or snipe through (hay and straw bales are out of the question)

Is it true that dogs face east when they die? Why?

Gary Paulsen said in one of his autobiographies that dogs face east when they die. Is this true and if so why? Thanks.

What is the meaning of this song?

Notice that the words don't say "turn toward the rain", I think it's saying that a problem exists that he can do nothing about by facing it and even if he turns his back to it, it will still be there beating on him.

What are the advantages of a guy wearing a thong backed leotard for ballet instead of a normal leotard?

I think you will find this helpful a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsQh_aO3x3INBsJzGcH0C5ug5HNG;_ylv=3?qid=20110601023352AAbqboh"http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…/a

Where should we go on our first road trip?

Last year my family went to New Mexico near eagles nest, and took a day trip to some Colorado sand dunes. They were a blast, and they have a cool river that runs through it, that you can walk through. Dont even need a bathing suit. lol. Here is the website for more info. a href="http://www.nps.gov/grsa/index.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.nps.gov/grsa/index.htm/a

POLL: Am I the only girl who's not scared of mice?

It seems that whenever a girl sees a mouse, she shrieks. I saw a mouse in the bathroom, and was not scared at all, but then my stepmom came over to where I was and she shrieked. Something like this also happened at my friend Sarah's house, in which Sarah and her 3 sisters saw a mouse running across the floor, and they all jumped back and screamed a little. I didn't.

SO this girl keeps on talking crap about me? 10 points?

This girl I liked Lead me on and said "she didnt know she was leading me she said." She was lying and talked crap about me to my friend just to hurt me. I got a little mad and started talking to her why she did. Then next thing you know he brought her ex in and he started talking crap too, two on one. She continued to "try" to lead me on by grabbing my hand and cuddling with me. Until I realized she wants attention and would only use me as her back up when doest have a Boyfriend, it hurts of course. But after all of it I still agreed to be her friend. But now Im thinking I made the wrong choice. What some things to tell her as a goodbye that will get kind of upset or desperate to make her fell what I did, but in a nice or casual way?

What songs/artists would you recommend that are like these?

HIM >.> theyre a band from finland.although i may just be recomending them because i love them

Friends....yea...any help again?

well i dont really get your question..but if your having a lot of trouble find new friends..true friends wouldn't put you through so much drama

Monday, November 14, 2011

Polygamist ranch in Texas. Do you think they should be left alone?

They chose to live in a country that has laws. If everyone was allowed to create a lifestyle, or religion to suit their wants and needs there would be chaos. Right or wrong these laws are in place to protect the mes.

I'm five weeks 2 days pregnant and curious about a few things...?

Hey! I'm 5 weeks and 3 days!! and i've had the same feelings (stretching etc) about a week and yes everyday! I haven't bled at all and i haven't miscarried (although it's always in the back of my mind that i might) and this is my 1st pregnancy so i hope were both normal lol i think it is, i've also got a lot of back pain and sore and itchy !! Hope i helped a little and good luck =D

Tagolog Translation...?

I got a text in what I think is Tagalog and hoping someone can help me translate. The text reads, "sana hindi nlang kita nkilala para hindi ako nahihirapan ngayon sa nararamdaman koh... mahal n kita ... hindi mo lang alam kase yung nararandaman ko para sayo... minahal kita kahit sa sandali n nakasama kita. mahalaga ka sa akin. gusto kitang makasama habang buhay".

My Boy Friend hit me and tried to me?

my boyfriend hit me badly across my face, neck, arm not once, twice but several times because i said bad words to him in anger and he could not take it. He started ignoring me because i was upset o his attitude. In anger he broke up with me and said I dont love you and that I have made his life hell and will never let him happy just bcoz i was crying. I asked him why did u use me physically, he said u were also having good fun :( he used me. In anger i said u are a . he gave me a tight slap on my face. i started crying. Hee went away. I even said sorry for the word-. Later i went to his house and said how can u leave me, my parents know abt u. we are frm a conservative family. He said yes i used u and i dont want you now. i said go and do that with your sister, u mother ******... even i am a girl, how could u use me emotionaly and physically? He said let me you and you ll come to know wat does that mean and he forced me. He tried to me, undressed me forcefully after hearing this statement.I begged that please let me go but he dint. He hit me so badly so many times, gave me slaps all over my face, pull my hair hard that i hv pain in my bones. i hardly could walk. He than broke up with me throwing me out of his house. he holded my jeans loop, rolled me on the floor and throwed me out.I dint even once reaised my hands on him after all this and left the place silently crying.Last week also he raised his hands on me just because I was crying badly in front of him because of his behavior, i never said anything bad that day. i said it this time because he broke up with me.. Now he is apologizing to me saying that u aggravated me by reaching on my sister.Along side he says if u ever abuse me ,I will hit u again.Later he said he is sorry and wont repeat it again and that he loves me. But ater that wen i was sad and upset he never called me or msged me. When I made him realize that u tried to me, i said wat if your sister have to suffer the same attempt,wat if she gets d like this, he again punched me on my face hard...i said if she is a girl, even i am.. he dint come up to me and realized himself till the time i made him to..He thinks he is always right n dat I have no right to argue on things which upsets me and if i scream at him, he bangs the phone on my face and switch it off for long & then he breaks up with me.. this is the second chance i gave him in break up.. all the time in anger he can only end this realtionship by saying i need a break-up.I am very scared of his break up lines and physical abuses..I m scared of him. because now i cant talk to him if i feel bad on something.But 1 thing i know is that he loves me and want to be with me only. PLEASE HELP!! Was it my fault because i said bad words to him.?Should i say Sorry? PLease help me !!

I had a fetal demise?

now i'm 16w3d and i never had a symptom the doctor told me my baby was death since he was 11 weeks .. can anyone tell me why this happened? or what caused it? and why i never felt anything?

I ATTEMPTED to write a sonnet. Any of you have tips :(?

It's 14 lines long, each line with 10 syllables not words, the last two lines should also be a couplet if you want to keep with standard sonnet form... You do have the rhyme pattern down correctly though!

What did Obama mean when he said he was putting an end to war crime trials? And closing Guantanamo Bay?

I think it's about time, we all deserve to know the truth once and for all about one of the most tragic days in History! But something bothers me, I just read that the plotters to 9/11 are rushing to confess before Obama took office. Why? How are war criminals going to be dealt with? Is Obama going to become judge, jury and executioner? And now Castro wants to talk with Obama. If Guantanamo Bay is closed, wouldn't all those little Mediterranean Islands be in jeopardy? And why before Obama takes office?

If this health care pes, how can it be repealed?

Would it not have to get Obama's stamp or seal to be repealed. He would simply veto. Could it be overridden?

My annoying friend... HELP :0?

My honest opinion....she sounds lonely and really desperate to fit in. Be the bigger person and try to be nice to her, karma will be good to you in the end if you are good to people, sincerely nice that is.

Mmm.. Is this guy trying to annoy me or does he like me?

he likes you. he wouldnt be paying any attention to you if he didnt. guys are immature, they think picking on you is a way to flirt.

Military- Courthouse now, Wedding later??

I know several people who did a courthouse wedding days before deployment and then had a church wedding or at least a huge reception after the deployed person got back. I also know non-military people who were married for months before the wedding. (Haven't known of years though-at that point you may just want to call it a vow-renewal) While most people are supportive you may find that you will have friends/relatives who think you are just doing the big shindig for the gifts or for the "bride experience". Good luck and best wishes with whatever you decide.

How can i remove this dust in my home?

I bought a house and I did some remodeling on it, put up new drywalls......etc. Now that I'm done doing all that, there is alot of dust in the air (from drywall, cutting boards.......etc.), in the vents (heater vents and air cooling vents)....I have a 3 year old and I don't want him breathing all that dust, what can I do to remove or reduce the dust?

I have to drop one of these players between putz or Gallardo.Can you help?

Drop Yovani. Putz will come back from the injured rib and go back to being a closer. Yovani is decent but by the time he's back, you might 15 or 20 starts out of him? And he won't win all of them. Putz comes back, he'll still get you 30 saves.

What SATprep book is a wise choice for reading comprehension & vocabulary strugglers?

ive taken the SAT twice and ive studied vocabulary in 3 diff prep books and maybe about one or two of the words were actually on the test. there is no way in knowing what exact words are going to be on it. just good luck. :)

Does age have anything to do with pain experienced during pregnancy?

is it true that the older you are the more painful your pregnancy will be? i.e. if you are coming upto 30 and older? if its true then why is this the case and why is it recommended to have children whn you are younger?

Solihull Press. lol. I wonder how much this scamming company make?

hi, i looked at the application form,and it looks too good to be true so i asked for more information yesterday[so now i am waiting for a reply. i am looking for work at home [anything really]. can you help? the same as everybody else i don't want to be conned. i just wondered if you had found anything genuine yet . good luck tuk

How can I keep my satellite dish?

I'm getting satellite TV but I live in a first floor apartment. I'm not allowed to have it mounted on the building or my balcony so I was told to get a tripod. I'm looking for suggestions on how to keep it there so nobody can walk away with it.

Is it better to drive back to Reno out of Lake Tahoe?

We are driving to Reno then Lake Tahoe this weekend. And I wanted to know if it's better to drive back to Reno than going down highway 50.

I think I have to get an mri for my knee..? I have questions about what an mri is?

An MRI isn't anything bad. You're just in a small tight oval space, and it's a Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It gives a more detailed photo than the X-ray does. I've had a million on my brain because of brain damage. I have epilepsy. They slid me in head first, so you might be slid in feet first. I don't know how far it can go down the body if you're laying in head first. All of mine have been done at the U.S.C. University Hospital.

Why most of yall dont like Wayne as a rapper ???(READ DETAILS)?

I just went to this other question asking why wayne wasnt on the blueprint 3.a bunch of dudes put stuff like "because he suk c*ck" and wack shiiiit like dat. the thing dat i dont get is why u hatin on the ni**a. im from new orleans,we dont rep boi but we listen to his music(not the singing,autotune,and fu*kin around). But like the carter i+ii, the drought 3 and stuff like dat. Now i kno everybody suppose to have their opinions and all but u cant possibly say that wayne cant rap,AT ALL. for people that like jayz and not wayne, tell me that wayne freestyle on "Show me what you got" was worse than jayz real thing. 4 All his haters u cant tell me the carter ii was garbage. i could see if u say with autotuning, singing, rocking, and playing around he garbage but u cant say he garbage.

Is it possible/practical to use a solid sheet of granite for a bathroom floor?

I'm re-doing a half bathroom (roughly 5' square) and wondered if it might be possible to use a solid sheet of granite I've seen with really interesting fossils embedded in it as the floor. Is this unheard of?

Why does the following phrase keep appearing as the question people ask?

Yeah, I wondered too! At first I thought people were just copying each other but now as marcelino angelo pointed out, it's actually an automatic thing! (Makes us feel like robots when we answer other questions huh)

What is the average life expectancy for untreated arrythmia?

What is the average life expectancy for someone that has had a heart arrythmia, died twice, and continues to let the arrythmia go untreated... no medical followup, no medication.

Why do professionally trained singers wobble when they hold a long note?

It is called vibrato. Vibrato is a natural sound that is a cause of proper breathing and technique. However, they can control it and make their voice steady. But vibratto adds colour, emotion and effect to the music, just like a song would have an arpeggiated chord.

How to read data on an html file and output it on a webpage?

Almost any language should work, as long as you know how to code it. What you'll have to do is parse through the HTML page and determine what information you need (or want), remove the HTML tags and store that in some form (perhapes an array), and then rewrite the data with new into whatever form you want it to appear.

Rude mother. What to do?

My mom's like that. One time i was gaining alittle weight and i hardly noticed (since weight goes up and down for me since im a teen) and she critized me and was like go loose some weight and tried to hide the fattening foods from me and didnt call me down for dinner to make sure i lost it. It was only like three pounds too! so i get it and i dont think you deserve the critizm so harshly that it makes you feel this bad. Even if some of it is true (not sayin it is) she is your mother and she shouldnt say it nor should u hear it from her considering mothers are supposed to love you no matter what. Just act like yourself aroun her and if she still critizes u say well this is me and im not gonna change because u r being bitchy (or a insecure if ur mom hates cursing) and tell her u dont care if u like it or not cuz a bunch of others do.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Help getting beer from Hawaii.?

Can anyone help me get some beer from Hawaii? I'm looking specifically for a beer from the Kona brewing co called the Big Wave Golden ale. The main problem is I live in NJ. Ive tried the beer finder on the breweries website to no help. So anyone have ideas?

Where do african americans party in san francisco (I'll be visiting for a weekend)?

Nothing too ghetto. Just good music, good drinks, great people. I'm from chicago and will be in the SAN FRAN AREA.

What can I do about my focussing in school?

Well, this past month in g 12 has been the hardest on me ever. I zone out constantly, or get songs stuck in my head, and think about other things in cl an durring examples. I am failing 1/2 of my cles, and can't focus on anything. When my mind gots off in another direction, it is usuaally about girls, , etc. Etc. And I also... Fantasize about the future, like marrying someone and having kids ect etc. This is not normal for me. As a dude, I never thought about any of this ever beforean expecially the marrage part. I also think of and women in a ual matter lots. I haave never been laid or even had a girlfriend. So, what can I do? Abd m not the type of pperson to go out and get some straange reaadiway or anything. Thanks

How does the brain store and retrives our memory?

When we are trying to memorize something by constantly repeating a phrase, what is the brain doing at that moment? How does the brain help us memorize something? Is there a certain limit of repetition we have to reach when the brain finally says, "its in"?

I need a new hairstyle.. suggestions?

okay i have medium length hair and im sick of my normal hair.. i flip it up in the front usually and i want something new.. everyone tells me that my face looks like sidney crosbys if that helps you with ideas of hairstlyes.. unfortunately i dont have a picture of myself on my computer but this looks a lot like me... http://photos.upi.com/topics-Sidney-Crosby/4dcde40179f41b34550b4b779bdf2a8b/Sidney-Crosby_2.jpg

Snapped at my buddy at the gym today....?

For months he's been getting on me about how i'm"not working"I finally snapped at him ,and said why the hell would you make such umptions when you don't even know anything about my private life?He Said he was just joking and he had to apoligize to me,after i pestered him about it.I asked him if he heard about it frosomebody about 20 times and he said no that it was his own conclusion he came to.In a joking manner.He said to lighten up and i take things too seriously.It's frustrating how hard i work at things,keeping in shape and other aspects,and other things that are hard work that i devote my time to,and he him knowing that,would have to make a comment like that.We kinda smoothed things over,because he didn't want me to blow up,,but it just pisses me off that i come to a place to work out,and he (being a buddy)disrupts my rhythm,he said he meant nothing malicious by it.He's also a musician like i am,so we definitely have that in common.however.he's in his late 50's and i'm 23.I'

Has faith become obsolete?

I am just looking for opinions and arguments from both believers and non-believers. I am a Christian and I do believe. But how many out there think the same?

How's my fantasy football team?

Don't have two K's and DEF's please. It's one of the most foolish things you can do. You can pick them up when they have bye weeks. i would also start Welker over Addai until you know that Addai is going to be the best back in Indy. Great bench besides the DEF and K. 75/100

Rate my ELITE pokemon pearl team on the scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)?

well you have greaat pokemon but the elite 4 is strongr than that. lucario is straight up good so keep him. palkia needs leveling up but is a reliable pokemon 4 it. luxray should delete spark and level up. everybody else is good but you need to level them up much higher. maybe to 45 or 50 each. I hope that helped. palkia should help because though I have diamond I got dialga but it beat a pokemon more than 10 levels igher than him! the legendaries for this game are very reliable but you need some leveling up. I'll give it a 5 but once you level up a straight 10.0!

Have you ever been abducted by a UFO?

Once, but they traded me for three cheerleaders and a tail waitress. I'm surprised they got THAT much for me.

Do Gay Couples who are legally married get Federal Tax Benefits?

No. They would only receive benefits provided by the state where they were married. The Feds do not recognize gay marriage.

Is it being open-minded or closed-minded to reject the possibility of a god or gods existing?

The thing about gods is, they are usually not just some mystical, non-specific invisible entity. They have rules, they have limitations, they have definitions, they have a book of nonsense stories and they demand we mortals believe these nonsense stories or the god or gods will mercilessly punish us in an afterlife. All these rules, limitations, definitions, nonsense stories and afterlife scenarios are completely without evidence, so believing this stuff is certainly being open-minded, but is it being so open-minded as to be downright gullible? Must a balance be established between open-mindedness and closed-mindedness?

What are some good movies like 300(movies like it is about fighting but old fation way but still want it good?

Try the Conan movies (including Red Sonja). Older (from my childhood 80s years) but still good. Plus, it's funny to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger say "Krum" whenever he sees a sorcerer, monster, etc.

Are air-cooled motorcycles dependable? Mainly Harley-Davidson Sportsters?

I'm thinking about buying a motorcycle for my commute to work. The commute is very long and I would be driving about 140 total miles per day. Would an air-cooled motorcycle (Sportster) be dependable for this type of usage? I would probably be putting on about 20,000 miles per year. Thanks!

My bros Doctor why does she have fangs does that make a her vampire?

my brother's doctor's she haves fangs and someone else took his blood and the Doctor wanted to see do u understand? does that make a a vampire? don't make fun of me am just 8 well does it?

Can the anti-TB medicine, Myrin-P Forte and Myrin cause skin dryness?

Hi I was diagnosed with TB about 2 months ago and when I started taking the medicine, I noticed that my skin are drier than usual. More scalier so I applied a Nivea Mens 5-in-1 lotion to keep my skin moisturized. Is the medicine causing this dryness because I cant really figure it out?

Writing a story for english?

This may sound a bit morbid, but I need a way for a 10 year old to die without there being a kidnapping/murder, or a long term illness that everyone saw it coming. It kinda needs to be surprise to everyone in the story and once he's gone, there's really no one to blame.

What Do You Think Of Thiss?

I love them! Logan & Lauren are two of my favorite names. and the middle names sound really good with them.

In divorce can the court/constable enforce visitation in the reverse order?

My ex husband doesnt abide by the visitation order meaning he doesnt take the kids like he should. He sees them once every few weeks yet he lives 10 minutes from me. Ive heard the whole 'you shouldnt want to make him spend time with his kids if he doesnt want to' argument so please miss me with those types of answers. Im asking from a legal and technical standpoint. Please advise.

Hi. gianni from italy here. can u tell me please...?

I'm from the US. On christmas eve, my family goes to church (but many others in the US go on Christmas morning). After church, We usually have a nice meal (like stone crab) or go to a small party. On Christmas morning, we get up really early to open gifts, here Santa brings the children gifts. Then we have breakfast, it's usually something like eggs benedict or something we don't get to have often. Around noon, I go to my grandparents' house to exchange gifts, talk, eat, etc. At 3, we leave my grandparents' house to go to the house of my other pair of grandparents. We exchange gifts and eat Christmas dinner here. We usually eat ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, etc. On december 31st, we also go to parties or have a neighborhood gathering. On January 1, it's a tradition to eat pork and sauerkraut at my grandparents house since we are german. We don't really celebrate three kings day, or anything else on Jan. 6.

What are some good places to go scuba diving in the keys for a beginner?

wheres a good place to scuba in the keys (any key) for a beginner so i guess within 60 ft. also if you know a good company also can you tell me thanks

I have a new kitten and my "old" kitties hate her, what do i do to get them to get along??

i just got a 5wk old kitten and my 6 mth old absolutly hates her, to the point that she wont come downstairs if she sees the new kitty, i love them both and i want them to get along,, also, the "old" kitty wont even use the box, i dont want her peeing all over my house, im at my whits end, please help me

What is so bad about a clockwork orange?

im 14 and someone said i shouldn't watch it but i like things like dexter and Sweeney Todd and american history x or taxi driver but like is this really bad

I need a really fast name for a fake town in my short story?

I'm writing a short story, and they've reached a little hamlet just outside the main capital of the kingdom (which I'm calling Haissem). Any ideas for a minor settlement?

What do meteorologists use to monitor drought conditions?

I would say all three, thus answer (e). The two drought products are obviously used, and the radar system is used to monitor precipitation totals which are then put into the drought models.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How hard would it be to get my hot girlfriends into a club underage?

i think they might let them in but that would be really embarring to have the bouncer tell u that yur friends arnt allowed in & that would ruin the party but i think yur friends should buy fakes. if u know where to get one locally then u should do that but i got 1 online n it works good. if u cant get one locally then u should email da person that did mine. its tori.anderson@hotmail.com

What is the fate of Ford Australia and GM Holden?

It seems likely that the major US car manufacturers have gone bankrupt with the US senate rejecting a bail out plan. What does this mean for the Australian arms of these companies?

Devin Hester's rib injury?

Does anyone know any details on how bad the injury was and if he will be on the sidelines of the next game?

What can I do about the yellow film around my eyes,around my contact lense?

I,as well as quite a few friends I know,unfortunately sleep everynight in our permeable gas (squishy) contact lenses..I replace them every 2 weeks as directed,but I sleep in them.I(we) have developed "yellow" eyes around the contact lense ring.Any idea on whether taking them out everynight from now on will clear it up?

Virtual Villagers 2 farming help?

My villagers dont's want to fish or harvest coconuts. When i put a master farmer in the ocean it says "unsure what to do" same with the coconut tree. the ocean is not green, and i might be out of coconuts. how long does it take for the coconuts to come back? and how will i make my villagers fish again?

Whhich yoga asana inspires you the most, spiritually?

I have a deep love for tree pose because I find it grounding and I also love crow because it requires strength, breath, focus and fearlessness among other things. My asana practice is one of bhakti as this point (devotion). Asana means the physical poses if you haven't figured it out already. Om shanti and namaste

What is this piercing pain ?

Hello I am 24 year old female I weight normal I am a smoker for couple years now I have a little bit of asmtha I've been to my cardiologist about 3 weeks ago and I took all the tests cholestorol ultra sound of the heart and as well as EKG and it all came out normal I have no history of heart disease and no cardiac problems showed on my tests but just right now Im experiencing like piercing pain in the left chest like im being stabbed with needles and is not going away is really painful and unconfortable i chewed down on an aspirin hoping to make it better any suggestions what that might be ??

When will PDA blackberry include camera?

PDA blackberry similiar to 7290 or 8700 - they dont have camera while phone-like blackberry have it. Sidekick is PDA (handheld) and camera included. All three versions of Sidekick --> SK, SK2, SK3 have camera.

New Middle East Policy?

I have an idea. Why don't we pull all of our interests out of the middle east and let them govern themselves without any of our intervention. BUT, the second anyone from that region performs another terrorist attack on the US or our allies, we annhialate the country of origin by dropping a big one and turining it into a big slab of gl, settling it, take all their resources and rename it "America II"

[basic econiomics ] few questions. help. thanks;]?

19. brain drain - an engineer leaves her LDC to work in a developed nation (positive it's the correct answer)

Is there a CISCO VPN for 64 bit Windows 7?

Can I use CISCO VPN for 32 bit systems on my Windows 7 64 bit system? If not, what can I use and how would I configure the profiles?

I had an affair with a married woman of 26 for two years when i was 54,she had 4 children?

her husband had a vasectomy 4 years prior to our affair, he was a friend of mine,one night when he was drunk he fell asleep and we had ,for two years we had at every opportunity,then she got pregnant and i finished it,that was twenty years ago,someone has recently been trying to find me and i found out it is this lady who has just told her husband, what do i do

Teach you punk a lesson?

Ever since WS is full of youngsters,it's been a S***,so I'm gonna teach you a lesson you wont forget.All of KJORS,Bottomline,Ripper,Hannah Hardy,Victor J,etc are coming at 2,we're gonna tack back what's ours

Please answer this question :)?

Im 17 years old. Im pretty and after I graduate high school Im moving to New York to go to auditions and castings because I decided i want to act when I was 7. Acting I love but I like modelign as well and i want to be a Glamour model( maxim, stuff, victoria's secret...etc..) but im a virgin. Everytime I tell a guy that he doesnt believe nme saying that Im to y or that how can I be a virgin if I want to model that way ( I WILL NEVER MODEL NEKED!!!!! EVER. Just lingere and swinsuits becasue thats y). Its just Im waiting for a perfect guy and I do not want to have with somebody I do nto love and honbestly I wabnt to date a men whos in his late 20s... Idk but I find older guys very matured because they know what they want and where they are going with their lives. My question is am I wrong and an I dumb becasue I wait for that Mr.Right?

I have two jobs...Tax?

Yes you are legally required to pay tax on all earned income regardless whether it is from one job or 10

What do you think about this essay?HELP!?

very good. older person here. would have little more Definition with mention of past ignored education. possible outline future , both plans and goals tou want to achieve. also what those goals mean to future students. please do not be offended. there is none intended. just a older persons opinion.

Hwy i have a school project and i'm doing it on the thing i love most...TENNIS!...?

why dont you try looking in tennis magazines. they often have interviews w/ player (i read one w/ lindsay davenport last night) and james blake has a book out that you could read

Why do the Redskins play so stupidly?

That was dumb to drop the snap at the extra point. Why why WHY do the Redskins have to play so stupid????????????????? Dang I hate it!!!!! UGHHHHHH!!!!!!

Is this just a stage in dovelopment?

Okay, I know it sounds cheesy, like something you'd read in an american girl "going through puberty" book or something, but here it goes... I didn't think there was anything wrong with my until I started noticing that mine were different that the other girl's on my swim team. They are so pointy/ triangular that do bra fits my shape. My **** are really low (almoast at the bottom of my s, not in the middle) so much that the literally touch my tummy when I slouch. My are ALWAYS rock hard too. I this a phase I'll grow out of, or is this the way my are going to ber forever? I got my first period 18 months ago, so that hopfully means I still have some "growing" to do (correct me if I'm wrong)

Simple hair question?

it's simple. works whether you have bangs or not. just part your hair where you normally do and french braid the front on the side you wear your bangs.

Help me determine what is "in my league" please?

My social circle is one that I must maintain ( for reasons I won't describe). The women of this social circle are all either butch s or woman that a butch has a better chance of being with than me. Also, I have little money and no car. Plus you can see my picture. So please help me define what "inside my league is", and remember that I must maintain my social circle at all costs.

Does renewing wedding vows strengthen a rocky marriage?

Eric, if it's just not there to begin with, I don't feel redoing your vowels will help things anyway. Love pure love is the name of the game, the name of it all. Without love you don't have much. IF by some chance the two of you feel it WILL be of help, then by all means do whatever you feel will help it along. We're all different, what works for some doesn't for others & visa verse. But before you make up your mind for good, talk it over with your wife & see how she feels about it. It just may be the thing for YOU, no one can truly ans. that but you two...the best to you...:)

Shouldn't we spend more time keeping track of Nukes over here rather than Nukes Iran won't have for 8 years?

Silly liberal, you think the USA is more dangerous then Iran. What do you think Iran will do once they make a nuke? You think they will just look at it? Heck no they will fire it a Israel and then one to the USA, hopefully close to your neighborhood.

What is the most frightening thing that has happened to you?

Ooh, your second one I can relate to. I was caught in a rip at Manly Beach in Sydney. If it weren't for a couple of people swimming nearby I would have been pulled right out. They grabbed an arm each and told me to just keep paddling. Between the three of us we got out of there. But it's something I will never forget.

No good deed goes unpunished...?

This scenario seems to ume we are all victims of our surroundings. Yes, the man may be upset after his traffic problems...but as a third person observer, I find the series of events to be an invitation to ask what can I/you/we do differently to alter these chains of events. Doing good is not some nebulous deed that we hope comes back to grace us later, but an actual need to our psyche met at the INSTANT we engage in selflessness. The only variable that exists in this equation to me is whether I/you/we decide to do the right thing. The end results of doing the right thing are written in stone for all eternity. The burning question is why can't we see beyond our own immediate gratification to make the right decision every single time.

HELP me move on! Help a 16 year old girl, I know this is long but still please read and help :(?

You know what. I have a friend who is exactly the same way. And we are 18! His problem is that he is insecure and does not have much to be proud about. So he tries to make me look bad. It doesn't work because I know his situation. This sounds like the same situation for you friend. My advice is to blow her off and to not have anything to do with her. Eventually she will try to be friendly with you again. Be friendly back but don't start being too nice to her or she will go back to her old ways. I learned that because my friend did that numerous times.

What do i do about him?

my boyfriend was being rilly nice to me in the begginning of the relationship then he started changin on me a week later and i really dont know why. he starts bitchen about everything. his attiude sucks badly. da way hiz attitude is you wuhd swear hes a ***** on its period. he breaks up with me like erry other day on sum dum shxt. he got mad because ididnt text him friday imean he was getting ready to go to prom and he said he was buizi had to get hiz hair done an such and then itoll hym swrry thought he was buizi den he said you know what idon kare bye! he broke up with me today!


how long have you been together? how serious are you guys? cause if you haven't been together for very long, i'd say the necklace, but if you've been together for a long time, i'd look a redskins blanket up online...

Any ukrainian with EU wife or husband who lives in UK?

Her visa is for Italy NOT HERE, so no. It really is true in terms of immigration all roads lead to the UK.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Crossing the U.S border to Seattle?

hi , im going to seattle to go shopping at seattle premium outlets, then driving to seattle to stay a night, then maybe go shopping in alderwood, and when i cross the border, how much exemption, or something do i get ? does that make sense ? HAHA i checked the website and it said 24 hours you get 50 dollars, if i stay a night, is that considered 24 hours ? or 48 hours ? thanks ! :):)

What is the best gift I can get for my husband on his birthday?

We've been married a year and this is our first birthday as a couple. If possible I'd like a mans perspective on this, on what to do or get for him, as its quite hard to find the right gift for a man. He's been through a lot, cancer, chemo all at a young age, his mother being ill and his father having 2 heart attacks. So lifes been tough! It can be anything, doesn't have to be materialistic, but something that would make him the happiest.

Lorcet addiction?

ok guys were im form they have pain managment clinics .one of my buddys told me since i was having back trouble to go check one out. i went in told them about my problems and they prescribed me lorcet10/650 and somas along with xanax. now ive been taking xanax for 8 years now around 3 mg a day with out any troubles , my question is is ive been taking these lorcet 10/650 around 2 to 3 a day because overall they just make me feel good.i have since come to the realization that these"pain managment "clinics are really just a legal way to prescribe narcotics. and im wondering what kind of side effects am i looking out if i just want to quit them. ive heard the withdrawels are terrible ,like puking and diarreaha along with stomach cramps. while i dont think my addiction is severe,i do believe there is one there is 3 10/650s a day a lot and what am i looking outg if i quit cold turkey or does anyone have any advice because i cant afford to miss work or be sick an extended period of time

Can anyone tell me what magazine this article is from?

There was an article in a beauty magazine (such as Seventeen, Glamour, Lucky, or Elle). The article was about how to use two color, three color, and four color palettes from drugstore makeup brands. I just can't seem to remember which magazine it was in. If anyone can help that'd be awesome! Thanks so much :)

Wearing band shirts at school?

is it appropriate to wear band shirts such as cannibal corpse or dimmu borgir at high school? im not talking about the really gory ones. um... the dimmu borgir one is the band members on top of bloody bodies, and the cannibal corpse one is the centuries of torment one. i mean, its not revealing or anything, and it doesn't have any swear words in it.

How do they know that Anna Nicole's overdose was accidental? She was severly depressed before she ped away

I think she was to the point where she really didn't care, not be rude but even if your as dumb as she was, she must have known that mixing all of those drugs would have bad consequences. She lost her son, she was being sued from all over the place, she probably had post partum depression. I also heard that in her diary she wrote down that she wanted to die so she could be with Daniel. So maybe it wasnt completely an accident, maybe it was an "if it happens , oh well" type of thing.

Am thinking of buying premium bonds. How have you done with yours over the past year?

Am particularly interested about those with large amount invested as this is what i might do. I know lots of people with between 500 and 5,000 quid in bonds who never win.

My boyfriend denies my apologies, what do i do?

i have been dating this guy for over a year and 6 months now. it has always been from this mistake to another. i always get to appologise all the time. there is nothing he lets lying down. he always comments on everything i do. its boring attimes and i respond so rudely without even knowing. then i have to appologise again. he tells me i argue too much, i sleep too much, i eat too much....... and this and that. i never do things correctly according to him. i am 25yrs old and i have kept 2 relationship and the oldest for 5yrs. would i have coped if i did all these wrong things he tells me? for this reason, i don't have confidence in myself anymore. i try to do certain things to please him. the more i do, i make more mistakes. the problem at hand is, i went to school in the early morning cuz i had a cl at 10am. i now realised the time was changed to 3pm. i now came back home bc i had a lot of things to do that day. he became so so peiced off and treated me like gabbage. i told him i was sorry and won't want to hurt him with my actions, besides, the cl was not so important. but he won't want to hear anything from me. please, what do i do?

Girls try not to laugh too loud when u sing this!?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh my God! That was absolutely brilliant and so mirthful! LMAO!!!

Party At a Park?? HELP!!! RAIN,MUSIC?

Having it at the park might not be a great idea minors drinking in s public place and if there is curfew better chance of getting caught maybe one of your friends backyards

See graphics of shingles infection ?

shingles...aka zoster is an acute infectious viral disease. if u have never had chicken pox and are exposed to the chicken pox more than likely you may get chicken pox. shingles is the chicken pox virus that has remained dormantin nerves after recovery from chickenpox.

Could I have IBD/Crohn's Disease?

I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 16 after a horrible bout of chronic diarrhea and pain. 10 years later my problems have gotten from worse to severe. Last summer I was hospitalized with gastritis, and had it off and on for the past year. I recently read that gastritis can be a complication of IBD. Since then my intestinal pain gets so bad that I can't walk and I nearly faint. I have had periods of violent vomiting attacks, incontinence and unexplained abdominal pain. A month ago I noticed I was having UTI symptoms and right rib pain, vomiting, chills and fever along with the worst intestinal pain yet. I was treated for a kidney infection, but the symptoms continued without infection. I found lots of information about IBD causing UTIs and rib pan. I'm starting to think that my IBS is BS and I really am having complications from inflammatory bowel disease. I think it runs in my family and might explain why my family has problems with kidney stones, gall stones and liver problems along with chronic diarrhea. Does this sound like IBD?

The legality of wedding planning...?

There's no real legal requirement to becoming a wedding planner, but couples will be more likely to use you if you are "certified" or belong to wedding planner ociations. It gives you more credibility, and can also be a great way for you to network with vendors, etc.

Is this stalking and what is her intentions?

She is most definitely stalking you and you need to be concerned. Make a detailed list of all of the dates and times she has stalked you. Get as much evidence as you can and as many witnesses as you can. Go to the police with it and get a TRO, which is a temporary restraining order. When you go to court about it, it will become a permanent restraining order if there's enough evidence of stalking. Trade your car in and do whatever else you need to do to be safe. Stalking is very serious and very dangerous. My sister just got out of the same kind of situation because she did all of the above and he's in jail, on his way to prison. I wish you well.

Can i wear jean skirt, tights/leggings and black converse hi tops? or skinny jeans with the hi tops? or both?

i mean 4 the colder days like later wen fall comes or shud i jus screw this whole converse thing and stick with sneakers? because im reli startin to like converses and wanna get one but need to get other stuff to match it. i like the hi tops better tho than the low ones.

Can the redskins beat the patriots ?

I'd say they have a good chance at pulling off the upset of the year. their secondary matches up well with the Pats WR's

Do you need a downpayment for a mobile home?

We currently own a commercial property with a shop (my husband uses for his business) and two apartments. We use one apartment we rent the second for $650.00 mth. We would like to purchase a mobile home because they are inexpensive but we are getting to old to go up and down the stairs of the apartment. We do not have the downpayment. The mortgage is with a personal company and is interest only payments, we will never pay it off, but plan to sell it, although we anticipate it will take a long time to sell because of location and economy.

Cool weather, shingles will take 2-3 weeks to lay down properly?

where do you live ? if the day time temp is at least 65 to 75 it should not take any 2 to 3 weeks for shingle to seal down some times the least costly bid is not the best deal! I roofed for over 15 years and that sound like a lot of bull to me get some other bids throw out the hiogh and low and go with the middle and dont give any money up front it is a sure way to get screwed with out the kiss

My roommate is eating my food and i want to punch him in the neck!!!?

i live with my son's father, our baby, & a friend of mine. i am flattered by the fact that my roommate enjoys my cooking, but this is getting ridiculous. i cooked a big pot of food yesterday in hopes that it would last at least 4 or 5 days between all of us (whenever i cooked smaller portions before he would wind through them quickly, even the leftovers). in the pot i cooked i left about 20 pieces of chicken and broth to go with the rice i cooked. half of the chicken was gone the next day and all of the broth is gone from the chicken pot. i can't front, the roommate has a heart as big as all out doors, and there have been times he's given me money for food when there was none. this isn't about money. its about the time i put into cooking food that should last for days and its gone in one day. i would like to be able to cook and enjoy what i make too, and i don't want to start separating things out. he does a lot for me and my family. i don't want to look like a b*tch, but i need help.

How much would it cost to run water/drainage pipes across the country?

So that if a certain location receives a lot of rain, it can spread it equally to x number of locations close to it. The x would depend on how much rain the first location receives, and how much the other areas surrounding it already have in reserves. How much roughly do you think it would cost to create such a huge infrastructure? I was thinking perhaps 4 feet pipes running under every street, so again if that one area receives a lot of rain, it will just drain out in almost a circle from the area.

Why is LeBron considered the "best"?

I would agree with Kobe, CP3, Durant, and Anthony, and also add Rondo. But I don't think Dirk and Wade are better than him.

What makes the Democrats think they are entitled to "free" health care?

First off the word "free" is a misnomer "Health Care" or any government run program is not free by any stretch of the imagination somebody always pays and in the US the bottom 40% pay nothing in taxes so that means the top 60% will be lugging them around like a huge gorilla on their backs. Secondly it is often said that "well look at Europe" my response is that "Europe" has implemented socialistic forms of government here in the USA we still have a Constitution and it is by no means a "socialistic" doent and their is no provision in it for "free health care" . Thirdly countries under the "socialistic" banner are operating in the red are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and are turning away from the "socialistic" model to embrace "capitalism" . They can no longer afford the costs and the citizens have had enough of paying taxes in the 45% to 70% range.

You really think this country never sponsered terrorism?

Bravo! Bravo! That's from Immortal Technique - "The 4th Branch." Great lyrics. Thanks for posting it!

Traffic Accident Help?

I have a 1991 new yorker. A big old truck hit me. It was a Business truck so of course we have to call cops and the whole nine yards. Well he backed in to me at a gas station. It was totally his fault but the cop told me it was my fault because i failed to yield to a larger vehicle. I was behind him at the gas pumps and he moved forward, i thought he was going to turn so i moved up, then he backed up and hit me. We were at a perfect 90 degree angle so if he just truned his head back a little he would have saw me. So is it my fault? If it is how did i fail to yield when i wasn't moving?

Single mom question ?

i had a baby with a guy who played me so badly i tought he was the right guy for me and he want to have a baby with him and i said yes but found out he was playing w/me and turn out to be married nowi have is baby girl and he got divorce but he never was there for me my baby and he came to see her in the hospital and he call me saying he loves her but then he had a girlfriend and said he did not care for my baby no more and stop calling for three months and calls me ever three months to say sorry and that he want to help out with my baby and he want to see her but never call back now she 9 months and he has not call for 1 months i dont know what to do should i said him to court i really dont know what do

Is this a good keyboard?

It really depends on what you aim to play. If it is clical music (and I ume that since you are asking on this forum it is) then there is no subsitute for a real piano (you need to build finger strength) and a real teacher.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What cello song is used in a car commercial and in the movie The river king, a person plays it towards the end?

its driving me nuts, its really pretty, there's no words or anything, and the commercial is in slow motion, in the movie though, this guy with blond hair is playing it on the cello.

Supercharger or turbo for chevy colorado?

personaly i like turbos because of the blow of valve so i would go with a turbo also turbos go good with 4 cylinders and v6's

Is global warming really a partisan issue?

I agree with you. We should look to help a solution along by using effectively the government as a safety valve to mitigate the emissions of CO2.

I am considering buying a 03' Infiniti G35 sedan ?

I have a few questions & concerns. This car currently has 117 miles on it, which is high mileage but the overall price is 9,995 is that a good deal for a car with those miles? How long do these sorts of cars last? And how hard is it to manage an infinti & when problems arise with the car do the parts cost more or the labor since its a exotic car so they would say? Thanks.

What is the relationship between Hamlet and Cladius in Act I ?

What kind of relationship do they have between each other beside uncle and nephew and father and son (since Cladius married Gertrude) in Act 1. I want to know what Cladius' view on Hamlet in Act 1.

Statistics: test for significance with no standard deviation?

Does anyone know a formula (or syntax for SAS) that I can use to find a p-value when comparing the prevalence of a disease in a sample to the prevalence of the disease in the population when n for the sample is known but I do not know the standard deviation of the sample or population?

18 and never had a real relationship...what's wrong?

I'm 18 years old and have only had one boyfriend (and that was back in middle school which no one even counts anymore) and I've only been kissed once (also back in middle school.) I've only been asked out once since then but said no. And Idk why but things just never work out with the me and guys. Either I don't like them back(though it's only been a few guys who I've known liked me) or they don't like me "like that". I'm tall (5'11) and I don't think I'm ugly. I mean I'm not like stunning or anything. I've been told that I'm pretty and could model...I don't see it though. Admittedly, I am really shy and I guess on the "smart" side. Could that be the problem? What's wrong with me?

What level of salinity is needed to suppress algae growth in a kiddie pool?

Our pool is 6' X 10' X 20" on a roof top deck in a downtown area with lots of sun. What ratio of dead sea salt (it's what I have) to water is needed?

Science and religion ?

I accept both equally. It is not odd at all that your friend would be that way. His eyes are open. Knowledge of the universe is knowledge of the God who built it.

Is political correctness an infringement of the first amendment?

If you are forced to ignore the truth to be politically correct, that's against freedom of expression.


did any one see the after show of MTV's Laguna Beach season 3...? well if any one did, did Rocky and Alex stay together after the show and if not what happened ??????

Is the H1N1 illness considered a pandemic or an epidemic? What is the different between the two?

I believe it is still in the epidemic stage. Epidemic means anything that spreads large and fast in one particular geographic location i.e. north america. A Pandemic comes from Pangea which was supposedly made up from all of the land mes on the planet that were all connected way way back when (supposedly) a pandemic is therefore planet wide epidemic affecting basically any area inhabited by human beings.

Should I take a job as a police telecommunicator?

I have been offered a job at the local police department as a telecommunicator. Can anyone inform me on the drawbacks vs. benefits of such a position? I have also been offered a part time position at a law firm, which can become full-time once I graduate college. I'm kind of torn as to which one I should accept because I would LOVE to work for a law firm for the future advancement and experience but practicality would tell me to take the telecommunicator position for the full-time pay and benefits of working for the city. I wander if I would be able to swing it and my last two semesters of college?

Petrified of labour any tips ?

Labor is different for everyone, but I can honestly say that I was also soo so scared the day I went into labor, the pain wasn't even that bad I was just so scared because I didn't know what was going to happen next. The one thing to keep in mind is its just one day of your life (or maybe 2 for some people lol) but you have your baby for a long long time after that. Just keep telling yourself that all you have to do is make it through that one day and it is very very true that right as soon as that baby comes out it is all better and all the pain is gone. My doctor kept telling me before I went into labor that labor is very safe, its natural, and your body is made to do it so in reality it is more dangerous to drive than it is to have a baby so keep that in mind also. Also keep in mind that you have a lot of support with your nurses, they will be able to answer any questions you have even if they are embarring. Looking back on it you forget how bad it really was because everyday you get to wake up to that beautiful face! It really wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be in my head. Good luck!

Why can't we have offshore drilling and a few more refineries?

I know some people out there are always going to use Bush and company as convenient scape goats, but if you look at it from an objective standpoint, we are in dire need of more refining capacity, and if it is done in a reasonable manner, there is absolutely no reason to have more drilling. Since there hasn't been a new refinery opened here in the USA since the middle 1970s' we could use much more refining capacity because there are a few more cars on the road since then, and we do know there is a lot of oil to be had. If this could be done it would tide us over until atlernative sources can become much more practical. It is either this, or we will be spending much more than we really need to.

Something about the simpsons show?

in the simpson.s show ..when they come to Australia for bart to get a kick in the bum ....what is a Shaz Wazza ? Is a it a cane toad or a bull frog ?

I need tips for fund raising?

If you are serious to invest and have no intention to lose your money, you can google for HSFX et Management and start making consistent profits!

Anyone else having problems with yahoo messenger and no sounds?

For some reason I have sound on everything else, but my yahoo messenger, is anyone else having this problem. I cannot hear my chimes when someone instant messenges me, or I get mail. Anyone have any information.

Is this a Cadbury candy?

My grandmother always used to bring back chocolate when she went back to visit her home town in Ireland, but I was so young that I can't remember all of the ones she'd buy. I know she got Cadbury Flakes, Twirls, and the Milk Tray, but there was a chocolate candy shaped almost like a Hershey kiss but bigger and with a rippled texture, filled with what I recall as being marshmallow with a nut in the center. They were delicious but again, I was little, and I can't remember the name at all. I think they were Cadbury's but since all the great Cadbury candy that I personally love is from England/Ireland, I can't find this in any store. If you think you know the name I'd love to hear from you. If they're still being made I want to buy some. Anyhow, thanks for the help.

Sims 2 Help!?

When using the sims 2, you are always suppose to use the CD that is the newest. Not the newest CD you bought, but the newest CD you made. Have you tried glamour life? It might have come out after OFB and Nightlife. If not, I have nothing to say but call the EA Help number. it should be on the box.

I need help fundraising Please help?

I am 17 years old and a junior in high school and i started running an all girls dance club at the middle school. This dance club started out just as a place for free dance cles but now i am working on turning this into a place where girls can have a romodel someone to look up too. Being a preteen girl is hard. Society has set standards for girls about how much they should weight what size they should be and what they should wear. I want a place where girls can be girls a place where they can have fun and be themselves. Every girl deserves to have an older sister someone that they can look up to, someone they can talk too. RIght now we are in a small room at the middle school and all the gyms are taken but my big concern is we are working on performing our dance and having a performance night and i want every girl to be able to participate no matter what. If you have any ideas for a fundraiser please let me know Thanks sooo much.

Hysterectomy in 2001. I bleed now nonstop. Doc says its all in my head. What can be causing this?


Seriously, anyone think that we as public eyes and ears are being deceived about Mayweather/Pacquaio?

Arum is on the record saying that he will have an opponent in 10 days or less for Manny and that there is no way after that the Mayweather fight can happen in November. Also, Top Rank wants at least 3-4 months to promote Manny's next fight, so unless Mayweather comes out and agrees to the terms presented to him this fight will not happen this year.

Which do you prefer (WWE and TNA)?

World Wrestling Entertainment because of the last ending of the company name right there, if you know what im talking about.

Why are Hatians hated so much?

I know someone whos hatian and no one likes him. I neva talked to him myself just a hi and by, but everyone says hes too ugly and smells and dress like a hatian... i even asked my friend if its ok to go out with one, she then slapped me then start to scream how crazy i am... could someone please tell me whats so wrong with them? (mexicans included)

Help! I'm a feminine ?

i'm attracted to women, but more specifically androgynous (not butch to the extreme or femme, but i think you get what i'm saying). problem is, i'm reeeeaaaallly girly. i wear a lot of makeup, earrings, hair down to my , the whole enchilada. also, i'm not out yet. but i really want to be in a relationship. i'm also very shy. how do i attract gay girls/drop subtle hints that i am also gay? also, is being really feminine a turn off, even to butch girls? i'm sorry if i sound ill-educated about this. i'm not out of the closet, i've just come to terms with my uality a few months ago but have always been gay, just chose to supress the feelings and hide it even from myself.

How many lies did San Fran Nan tell in ONE MINUTE?

When it comes to the Speaker we have a new mathematical law. Number of statements is always equal to number of lies. This umes she understands the concept of truth which is doubtful. In order to believe ANYTHING she says people must accept it on faith, as there is NEVER any factual basis for her statements. It is a shame that the first female Speaker is the most dishonest in history.

Ladies, gentlemen and feminists of GWS what do you think about this article?

That quote sounds accurate. (I swear you've asked this 3 other times, but I can only find 2--anyway, I'll be fighting for another BA)

Initial Name Game! Can you figure it out?

Claire lauren, marcy amanda, leila lynn, sara carly, gregory wyatt, tyler ?, jonathan tyler, joshua andrew.

Ladies.. please explain why you feel used after a one night stand?

No. You were being honest. I guess if it were me. . I would have never slept with you on the first date. That way.. I would not feel used. But you have to realize that a relationship cannot be based on alone.

Can anyone explain 2001 Space Odyssey? What the? None of it did anything for me.?

Must confess to not being a huge Kubrick fan. He totally changed the ending of the book Clockwork Orange.

How to beat a player at his own game?

There's a guy who has a girlfriend but he is always paying attention to me and flirting with me, and he's even gone so far as to say "awww you didn't tell me you had a crush on me, how cute!" and I wrote back "key word being HAD lol" but I started thinking "You know, if he actually liked me he would break up with his girlfriend and ask me out properly." So now I want to show him I'm not that naive. But how?

Should I IGNORE thi GUY after WHAT HE DID TO ME?

Brief story, met a guy around 10 months ago, we gelled right from the start we were like best friends as well as seeing each other. We bonded very very well especially on a intellectual levels we would be up all night talking for hours. But discovered this guy is a clic commitment phobic that finds a relationship a severe threat to his freedom and says that he just isnt ready to settle down yet for his own reasons. I of course wanted a relationship. So I told him that it would be best if we went our seperate ways, but he didnt want that and couldnt understand why we couldnt at least be friends. He also said that he doesnt want to hurt me and has 100% respect for me and that I am an articulate, good looking, intellegent girl and that if he was looking for something I would be the one no doubt! so we remained friends without but stayed close, but then I couldnt take anymore as my feelings were getting intense. So I didnt speak or answer his calls for 2 months so that I could try

British Mom Sentenced for Drowning Disabled Daughter Out of Shame?

Wow, that is horrible! I hate how "life in jail" gets turned into 15 years. I know that 15 years is a long time, but she killed her daughter!!!!! What an evil woman. I just don't get how people can do such things.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Home Interior" has been discontinued but a votive cup of mine has broken and i need another.?

It is a Crackle Gl votive cup with gold trim. i have no clue how to go about getting another one like it. I know there are some still circulating but i have no clue how to get my hands on one. I've been looking everywhere.

I think I may be pregnant, but not sure! Need advice!?

I have a 4 yr old and when I was pregnant with her I had severe heartburn and my hurt so bad it would wake me up in the night if I layed on my belly. This feels different though, my s hurt but not severly, am having what feels like mini cramps (which I had during 1st preg.) and I am having the weirdest dreams! I had dreams during the 1st preg. but these are weird because it is always the same. I'm dreaming that my husband is cheating on me with my friends and people I know, it's always a different girl but I always know them, and they seem so real! I woke this morning crying because I thought it was real, took me awhile to realize it wasn't! I've also been craving lots of junk food which I didn't do with the last preg., I'm not due to start my period for about 2 weeks. I took a hpt earlier and it came up negative, I plan on taking another in the morning with first morning urine.

What does this Shakespeare (she's the man) quote mean ?

it means that everyone can be great. Either you are naturally great, you work hard to get yourself to become great, or you are given the opportunity to become great. Since anyone can be great, it is nothing to be scared of.

Can any PVR (personal video recorder) record ps3 gameplay in HD?

Hey i know that the hottest PVR to record gameplay is the Hauppauge PVR. I was just wondering if any other PVR will to the same job or maybe a bit less quality. I mean there are sooooo many PVRs in mith, JB Hifi, Harvey Norman and other electronic shops. Can they record PS3 gameplay??

Why do people hate on the top 5%?

Ok, so I am 14. I was born and raised into a long line of Democratic Party liberals. I disagree with them on fiscal issues and find them to be totally insane when I talk to them about the economy and fiscal responsibility. When I am 18 I am registering to vote as a Libertarian. So my question is: Why do people hate on the wealthiest people? Especially the middle cl liberals and even some middle cl republicans? Let's get one thing clear here, I am against any and all type of fraud and fiscal irresponsibility, so I am not some corporate *** kisser. God forbid I start earning a lot of money! My family will hate me. I am planning on starting a business in which I am the "Owner/Chairman/Chief Executive" or whatever the hell, may it be small or large. But I definitely grew up in an anti rich family. Which I now find to be more of an anti innovation family, HAHA. Both of my parents and all of my grandparents graduated college and we aren't poor, but simply middle cl. I really don't understand the way liberals think.

My BFF moved in....bad idea!?

Let her back in, and try to resolve things I guess, but you have every right to be mad, actually though, I can't blv you didn't kick her out when u found out she slept with ur boyfriend, but whatever. If she does something like this again, u should kick her out for good!

How do you play the ping tone from a maj 5th to min 6th?

I'm listening to a song in Emaj and there's one chord progression that goes from the Bmaj (5th) to the C...something (?) then to the C#min (6th). What is that C something? It adds a ton of tension. I was thinking it was a diminished, but I wasn't sure. What it be suspended? Also, how would one play this chord on guitar from a barre chord standpoint? Thanks for the help!

I had this weird dream about my crush lastnight?

Lastnight I had a dream that i was at the mall, and my crush Tyler was there, and he asked me if i would go out with him. I said YES and we went to Mario's for some pizza. And then when i was riding in his car the radio came on and it was playing my favorite song SITTIN AT A BAR By REHAB and his car ran out of gas. So we walked to the beach which was a few mile away. Which was odd, cause we got there in like five seconds. There was noboy there except us. So we sat down by a big rock. I leaned up against the rock and we started talking, but i can't remember what we talke about though. Then we started making out. After a little while the tide started coming in and we went swimming. When i started getting cold I got out and so did Tyler he gave me his jacket, and the next thing i know the jonas brothers are performing live, just for us. He hates the jonas brothers, but i love them. After about five songs i woke up

Bully trubles...time to step up?

there thing kid named justin and he's been bulling me for a while...im a freshman and so is he and he's on the football team...and im on the wrestling team..i have been wrestling for almost 3 years so i think i can take him even though he is bigger than me...so i was thinking after math cl [ that's when he picks on me] im going to shove his head into the lockers as hard as i can and then when he come comes to his senses puck him in the face...so my question is would this be way to fight or should I fight him some other way.

How much does the Verizon Blitz cost?

On the Verizon website it says it costs $120 or something but then I've also heard it only costs about $80. Whats the real price??

Is anybody else tired of conservatives hijacking the country?

To be fair it's not just in this country they rebel. Conservatives will always use force when they can not get their own way.... look at the way they have treated Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Cuba, The Southern American Countries, the list go on.

Why is the media not reporting about Kwame Kilpatrick?

Because nobody cares about Kwame Kilpatrick. He is old news. The issue now is the economy, the war, and the election.

Don't you find it weird that...?

I dunno. I just bash Cena cuz im an Orton fan. I like the heels more so I give crap to the faces. I do think hes a great wrestler, as in he has great charisma in the ring, and the man can get on a mic and keep you interested for sure. But unlike some people I do understand the difference beteween a gimmick and a real life person. So dont mind me bashing Cena. Im not being a hater, just being a fan.

Does anyone know government? Some Help Please!?

ooooh, that looks like an online govt. cl (I took one just like it). I probably shouldn't help you on that.

Iam 13 yeasr old man and i want to have ?

im 13 year old and all i think about is (well i all so like playing on my PC ) i want to have for real so bad i had i girlfried but she was taking it so slow we where dating about 1/2 of the year and we did not even kiss and after i left her she was saying nothing hapend at all OMFG well but i want to have so bad that i wood even want to be d by 16 years or older girls i dont know what to do hood i just get ower with thi all thing and wait when iam going to be 18 or hood i get another girl friend or something answer plz srry for the misspells iam from Ukraine just came to USA and hear girls do want to have that bad and i did not do it in ukraine well i think ones when i was i kid i dont remember did we do it but i remember we wher with out the close and and was on my nease i think i was likeng her lol dont remember so any way answer me what hood i do???

A poem I wrote, rate it from 1-10 and give me any extra comments?

um. -5? hey whatever sinks your boat. and I do mean sinks as in down down down in the deepest depths of the ocean. =] Ahaha You should really not write poetry...

How many kinds of animals are marsupials?

from the north American o' possum to the Australian kangaroo and sugar glider from somewhere,I am curious about how many different animals fall in the marsupial group?

What is a good vibrator?

We burned up the "rabbit" and need to replace it. The old one was not good quality, because the battery lid kept falling off, so I'd like to have some recommendations for a good quality replacement. Doesn't have to be a "rabbit" specifically. Just something that you've had a good experience using.

Im trying to write a book...but i need an idea

can someone help me brainstorm a few ideas to help me think of something? I'm writing a book for teenagers ( being one myself)

Greyhound Voice (updated)?

i actually didn't know about this until i read your question that is soo wrong just because they are no good for racing doesn't mean they should be killed, maybe given to someone else but tnit killed ... i'm sure some people care deeply about the dogs but i cant believe those other trainers would do such a thing!!! i mean my dogs are like family to me i seriously hope this will make a difference for the dog's sake, but im really not sure if it will change the trainers could just find another person im sure there are a lot of animal hating jerks out there, but on the other hand since this was sort of a big thing then it might be stopped i don't know i wonder if it is being done to any other racing breeds/ animals because that is still really mean

Vampires or werewolves?

Gotta be vampires really. There's something very y about neck-kissing generally, so there's that aspect. Underworld is a great film for the y vamp thing too. But it's also the undeadness of it all. You're like that all the time and don't have to go through the whole "change" thing, unless you choose to be a bat (depending on which legends you subscribe to). And wolves are pretty stupid compared to humans...

Can i go to Skyline Highschool (Dallas Tx)?

Can i be accepted to Skyline high school.? I live in east dallas and Skyline is in pleasant grove about 10 minutes or less away from me. I don't attend a public school in DISD i go to a charter school. So i dont know . My elementary is Oran Roberts and it feeds into Woodrow but im wondering if i can get into Skyline?

Help with inverse trig?

For a math problem I have a right triangle with a hypotenuse of 18, a leg of 10, and no other given angles. How do I find either angle?

Is George Bush putting Democrats in their place with his veto power?

just his ego. Dem's will still give him a bill he wont like. president is supposed to follow the will of the people not his own stupid stubborn will

What an I going to do ? My veto pen is impotent?

Go back to Texas maybe before congress smartens up even more and finally really puts impeachment on the table

When a person with hypo ventilation is placed on a ventilator. how will this procedure move oxygen to the lugs?

The oxygen is mixed with air and pumped in. Usually some mist is added to the mix so that tissues don't become dehydrated and so that the mucus in the lungs remains fluid enough to be aspirated with a suction tube.

Cities of the Underworld.?

On the history channels, Cities of the Underworld, there was a show where they said the people of Edinburgh burried plague victims alive. Does anybody know when this actually took place?

Is this common in people with Asperger syndrome?

Okay, I am uming ADHD and focus issues are common in those with Aspergers, but are meltdowns/tantrums and emotional outbusts prevalent even in young adults and older teens with A.S.? Would gender have anything to do with it? Also, what about compulsive hair pulling, does anybody know if that can be ociated with A.S.?

Why is he being like this?!!?

I don't understand why your BF is being this way. Your right that it does seem immature, and quite paculiar. In my opinion, it seems a stupid thing to get angry over. You won that bingo money, and you should keep it. It seems quite rude for him to demand ou split the money. I think he's being a whiny baby. The only thing you can do, however, is ask him why he wants to split it, and maybe there is a legitimate reason for it. But i highly doubt it. Ask anyways, because its better to know than be kept in mystery :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Confused about CONAIR INFINITI!! Please help!?

Alright so I saw it in a commercial and I want to know is it just a REGULAR straigtener and REGULAR curling iron fit into one tool? Or is the curling iron part more advanced than other curlers?? I'm wondering because my friend got me a curling iron by conair that's NOT the infiniti but I want to know if you would curl your hair in the same process even if you used the infiniti? Because in the commercial it looked like all they did was pull it down and let it go-IDK It looked really easy-I just want to know if the curling part is different than any other conair curler.

Did I act too fast? Should I call him?

i don't know if you were pushy by just asking him why he keeps looking on the site. maybe he was looking for you, but keeping his options open at the same time. was it internet or ting that he wanted from you? if that's all he wants then maybe it would be better for him to find it somewhere else.

I tested again at 8DPO.?

The majority of home pregnancy tests now a days can only show a positive result as early as five days before your missed period. If you are tired of waiting, pop into your doctor's office tomorrow and request a blood test so you can find out immediately.

Baby mama drama...should i stay?

your are in a very difficult situation and i feel for you. If you love your boyfriend and his child don't give up find a way to prove she is making the allegations and don't let her bully you into leaving don't let her win.

Why does the media always trot out the IMF as if they are some kind of philanthropic centre of academic excell?

It is simple if they don't they might put all their debts to junk status and they will make it impossible to get out of dept as seen by the mysterious dead Leprechauns being found washed up on the shores of Ireland, the fact that their teeth have been ripped out and their legs broken suggest the IMF have been wanting some of their money back quite soon.

Do animals enjoy sports & games because theres no pressure to win?

I know this is hardly like a surfing pooch, but my girlfriend plays "foodball" with the local sparrows and starlings. She makes a mix of oats and stuff that they like and throws it for them. Often, if it lands at their feet they aren't interested, but throw another bit that they have to chase and they will go flapping after it like kids. They like to catch it in the air if they can. They like their dinner with a bit of fun "thrown" in.

Why married women continue to have a good vibrator as best friend ?

Most of the married women coming to our clinic , some survey I have done including Yahoo answers reveals that men have a major problem in satisfying women in ual act. Either it is lack of awareness of correct position or lack of interest or stress , most women do not get from as against they are happy with the masturbation. One of my friend says they should legalized marrying a vibrator in days to come ! Jokes apart, is this problem so rampant ? If so what could be the solution ? Please do not block or delete this question , I want to know serious answers.

Why most of the women have a mind set of "pleasing" men around them?

Why they have an identity crisis ? It could be boss, teacher, friend even spouse; everyone is subtly busy in pleasing these men around them. Do you agree with what I am saying ?What are your views ?

Cheetohs cracker trax?

i am eating them right now!!they are soooo good!!have you tried them yet???the flavor im eating is cheesey cheddar but i do have spicy chedder they are both good!!yummmm!

Relocating to San Fran from UK - will i need to take a US driving test?

Im moving to California (San Fran) from London, UK. I've held a full UK driving license (10yrs). Will i need to complete a written, practical or any other type of test in order to obtain a local Californian license? I hear that i need one in order to get car insurance...

Wouldn't "country folk" be more pleasant to be around if they were more "folk" .... and less Christian?

I won't delete you, but I'm a country bumkin. Twenty acres, animals and Christian. You couldn't pay me to move to the boring city. We have festivals, carnivals, bonfires, parties, fireworks, just like the city does. We just don't have to drive so far and park and pay parking fees and walk a hundred miles to get to the line to wait an hour to get a ticket to get in. Yeah....love the country life....

$$$ strapped dilemma: give baby stuff to preg-lil-sis or sell it to keep up with my own growing baby?

I recently had a baby and have some nice baby stuff (walker, crib, portable crib, glider, activity mat, swing, jumper, bouncer, bedding sets, stoller and matching car seat). My immature jobless 20 year old sister is having a baby in Feb. and she and bbdaddy (who barely works) think raising a baby is going to be easy. Hubby and I work hard but money doesn't come easy. I don't know if they expect me to give them MY baby stuff. I want to sell my stuff on my local craigslist so I can keep up with my growing infant and what she needs. Will I seem like a jerk? We haven't talked about this at all and I am afraid to bring it up. What should I do and say?

My eyes change their color?? help plz!?

hello. got bright brown eyes (maybe hazel??) the thing is dat when i go to the countryside (i got a house there) they get more beautiful and bright.. WHY and how can i make them be like dat always!!!?? also, some say that some people change the colour of their eyes with age. My bro had brown eyes and now are very hazel. Will that happen to me?

What are some good colors for my new back splash?

looking for some really dramatic colors that will go with black granite countertops and white cabinets...

Horse grooming supplies?

www.robinsons-uk.com is the best site, in the uk for cheap but good grooming supplies and they also sell mane and tail conditioner. they deliver around the country for around a �5 and they come really quick, you can get alsorts there :) x

What month you start putting your child in a juperoo?

I have a 4 months old baby. I'm a first time mother so i really don't know anything about babies. My mil is still in the old time. I brough my baby a Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo , MIL doesn' like it . She think that the baby is still to young to be in it. She say that if i let her stand on her feet she'll devolp, what thats call bug legs or something like that . ( forgot the name) She think its not good for her back, she might devlop bad posture. I don't know if its true or not. So i was wondering, what month did you guys start putting your child in to a jumperoo? I think its good to put her in now , so she could work her muscle. If im wwrong please tell me.

Sliding Block Physics Problem?

A 10-kg body is pushed by a force P= 80 N a distance of s=4 m up a ramp that is inclined 40o to the horizontal. The force P is parallel to the ramp. At the top of the ramp the body is stopped and then released. It slides down the ramp against a friction force of f= 20 Newtons. Find the body's change in kinetic energy in Joules after traveling a distance s= 4 m down the ramp. What is its velocity at this point in m/s?

Wrote a few weeks ago care to critique, and give feedback?

I love poetry but to me this is really good but i think you need to put you ideal and feelings more stronger because emotion is what makes a wonderful poem I don't think you should change this but maybe make it a little more emotions next time =)

Do many Americans know much about Australia or Australians?

I can't speak for Americans collectively, naturally. I fought with the Aussies in Vietnam - good men. I have been to Australia several times - great place! I was disappointed with your gun law changes a few years ago. I have a cursory familiarity with the government - enough to realize you're having internal dissension - the same as the US, but not so pronounced at this time. I do not like that the US and AU are not working more closely together on global matters.

Can I be pregnant?

I've been on birth control pills for a while now; however, the last month I've been taking my pills at different times. I had my period last week and unusually it came late. Before the period I vomited several times on different occasions, and in general, I always am tired, many smells bother me, and feel like I want to puck. Thanks you all for your help.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Remade Movies?

I dunno why, but just don't watch them lol. I wish they would make an updated version of Somewhere in Time. I love that movie and I love Jane Seymore and Chris Reeves but I'd love to see some new fresh faces play those roles.

What do you call this plant I've seen in a magazine?

In a gadget magazine today, I saw a small houseplant that was submerged in water in a see through box. It could have been any plant, it was more the vessel it was in that I am interested in. The brand name was bio-something and it was in essence just a sealed vase but it looked very arty and meant you don't have to water it as much. Does anyone know what it's called?

Are these good signs my child might not be autistic?

My son just turned 2 last month and he currently doesn't speak at all. (he goes to speech twice a week). before his year old birthday he babbled what sounded like mom and dad but all that went away so that is considered regression. he has been to a neurologist who will not diagnose him until he is 3 but lately he has been doing things he never has done before, like i bought him some sungles and he has been trying to put them on his face and today he brought them to me and layed them down beside me to put them on my face. when i put them on he laughed and my bf took them off of me and he put them on and my son climbed on the bed to my bf and took them off his face and layed them down beside me again as for me to put them on. he did this several different times and for Christmas my mom bought him a broom and he has been trying to sweep with it and he will also grab the real broom and mop and try to sweep and mop. he has also been paying me some attention lately by grabbing on my pants leg and wanting to get in the chair with me. I know this got long but I'm just wanting to know if all of these are good SIGNS that he may not be autistic. His pediatrician has pretty much wrote him off as being autistic since he was 18 months old. also he will initiate making a kissing noise at me and want me to do it back to him but he still prefers playing with strings over real toys.

Ideas for Memorial Day Parade float?

something about Pearl Harbor, there is so much Hawaiian themed stuff in Dollar tree right now. A ship with palm trees around and such.

Anybody have any good movie ideas that adults and children will enjoy?

Me and my son have a nightly routine of watching a movie before bedtime he's four years old and i want to find some movies that i too can enjoy watching.

Can you play an xbox 360 game on xbox live with 2 different consoles (at different times)?

my roomate this year for college brought his xbox 360, so naturally i left mine at home- no need to lug it here. well i am going to buy halo reach this tuesday and im worried that if i play it on his console this week i won't be able to play the same disc on my own console at home this weekend. does any1 know if you can do this? also if i install it to his hardrive, is that better or worse, or does it matter. thanks in advance.

Is my skimboard too small for me?

I weigh 120 lbs and I have a zap medium wedge. When I try to ride it, I plow through the water instead of skimming on top of it. Do I need to upgrade to the large wedge? How do you get enough speed to skim out to a wave? In case you haven't noticed, I'm new to the sport and I would appreciate any tips or suggestions you have. Thanks!

A wonderful numerical order in the holy quran's number of verses in each chapter, what do u say?

Quran is word of God in his own exalted narration. It is a complete code of guidance for humanity. Prophet Mohammad pbuh has said that "secrets of Quran will continue to be revealed till the day of Judgement and still it will not be completed.

How can i get an audio mixdown from Cubase LE 4 to work with my ipod.?

I made a .wav file that plays on itunes, but when i try to play it on my ipod it gets screwed up. I have tried a bunch of free converters, but none of the free ones support my .wav file. The only one that has worked is the MP4 Converter, but it only converted 90 seconds before i would have to buy it. I just need a good free converter or anything else that will help

NEED HELP!!! Sorry its long but it serious!?

Im 16 and since 13 i have been making myself throw up and i am posting this question because its easier telling complete stranger than telling my family who wil take it as a joke and friends who will feel uncomfortable and this really is not for attention i just need help. I have been throwing up more frequently during the last year and my hair is starting to fall out but not in big clumps and my throat has become very sore. At the moment i am 5'3 and weight 12stone 9/10lbs i know i am fat but i feel sooo guilty when i eat or even look at food and am petrified of gaining even more weight early last year i did weigh 14stone so some improvement has been made. I just want helps and facts about my situation i wanna stop so please be a graphic as you like.Thankz!

How much is dependent upon us... or would it be best to say HIM?

If you mean jesus or god love thy neighbour and meek shall inherit earth quotes as computer programs to electronically disarm enemies make message more clear in christianity,islam, amd judaism. sorry if seems rude.

Can you give me a logical & reasoned answer why the word Hades in Greek Bibles is translated to Christian Hell?

Since I can't investigate your cite (much to my dismay) I will say it is because the writers of the Bible were influenced by Greek mythology. The writers took the dwelling place of the dead (Hades) and presented it to the Gentiles in a language they understood. The original writings may have used the word Hades as the Greeks did, as Hades is divided in a similar manner as Heaven and Hell. We know the Bible is often mistranslated and this is just one more example.

Does a man have to pay child support for as long as disabled child is alive...INDIANA!!!?

This"CHILD" is 26, he lives with his mother, who by the way was busted for cocaine use five years ago, has the same live in for the last 5 years, gets the tax exemption on the "child" and she draws welfare and a check from the state (welfare) and disability!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF ? My Xbox 360 or the Game's........?

most of my xbox 360 games dont work, but why ? i've had a 360 since they came out but have sold my old 360 and got a brand new 360 elite (not pre owed), the problem is most of my games do not work, the xbox doesn't even pick anything up i wouldn't mind if it said disc dirty or damaged i just keep getting open tray as if there was no game/disc in it, but they all worked on my older 1 ? i've spent a fair few quid on all my games to get them cleaned and all scratches removed but still no joy in the matter, i even brought a new game and that did the same thing, im thinking it's the xbox now as the games work great on a friends 360 which is my old 1 ? any help would be grateful before i get in touch Mr Bill Gates at Microsoft lol, peace and respect to all

I know this is a random question... [but please help something doesnt seem right!]?

ok today i was looking up jennifer hudson and her family murdered [oct 2008]popped up and it said that her mom brother and nephew [7] was killed and something just doesnt seem right about her sister julia hudson i mean they said that thug guy [ex husband]williambalfour had threatened her family a few times but then they said julia kept seeing him there are too many holes in this story for one on the morning of the family murders which was october 24th 2008 friday they said little julian didnt have school and julia was a school bus driver and they said julia was the one who discovered the bodies and she backed away from the house and called 911 she reported julian her song missing how did she know he was missing and not just hiding somewhere in the house see and then she said she was working that day i thought she said it was no school i could see if she was a public city driver but shes a bus driver and then after the murders shes sittin up on myspace and still had the guy accused of killing her family her number 1 friend on her myspace page lawd if i was her a computor would be the last damn thing on my mind if my fam was murdered lawd i pray she had nothing to do with that!!

Math Word Problems....I hate them!!?

In order to raise money for renovations, the directors of an old age home decided to put on a play for three consecutive nights. The directors plan to charge $3.50 admission per person. They hope to raise $1750 from the event. Seventy people bought tickets the first night and 210 people bought tickets the second night. How many people must buy tickets on the last night so that the directors may reach their goal?

How is that Palin / Breitbart or Steele / Breitbart ticket looking for 2012?

Is this Breitbart a new messiah for the right wing, like Palin once was? Just defame and slander an innocent women who cared about helping people in order to enact revenge of the media for calling the Tea Party racist? Just forget about this innocent public servant as long it makes you a hero with the right wing crazies, right? I'd put him on the ticket for 2012 if I was a Republican. This guy is clearly a winner!

13 Biual Girl needs ADVICE?!!?

Please don't be horrible but I think I am . I've got a friend and I go to her house and stuff but we have sleepovers and I get well turned on but I like guys too? Considering i have a 16 year old boyfriend. why am I like thiss ? I'm 13 by the way sooo? Has anyone sort of had this feeling.? I am starting to look at girls chests. Why am I turning into a pervert?!? No one in my town is LGBT. Why do I have to be like this?!? Im a freak right. I'm all alone in my town. No one likes me as a friend here except two people! They secretly talk crap behind my back too!!

My friends parents wont let us be friends anymore! what do i do?

I recently turned 18. And for the past 2 years, I have been best friends with a younger boy. He is now 14. We met because I dated his sister. I truly do call him my best friend and I think that he is a once in a lifetime friend. Is that weird? We have a lot in common and hang out often. But i do have friends my age i also hang out with. We also text regularly. People seem to think I molest him, but we truly are good friends. Recently, his parents voiced to me that it was weird. But people are friends with younger people all the time. For instance my dad, who is 45 is married to a 30 year old (she is my stepmom) His parents took his phone away and wont allow us to talk. But not talking to him makes me feel depressed. There is a huge hole in my heart where he should be. He calls me the "big brother he always wanted and now got". I dont know what to do without him. And now his sister (my ex) is spreading rumors around that I have d him. This only happened monday,(the 16th) but it has been the longest week of my life. I also found out i am not graduating which was the 18th. Could this be any worse? was i wrong to become friends with him? i have talked to his mom, and she said we can talk about things soon. I was told i am considered part of his family and I would go to them with any problems. But why has this happened? I would never hurt him like that. I havent eaten much and nothing is fun. i am depressed. We were (and remain to be) like brothers, even though his parents severed all contact we had with each other. This has been the worst week of my life!!!! Please help! Sorry if this is too long or anything. And feel free to ask any questions. Thanks!!

I found a lump on one of my labia?!?!?!?

You are right that it could be cancer but unlikely...you are also right that it is probably an ingrown hair follicle. More likely if you shave. More likely if it hurts when squeezed. If it does not hurt then I would go to the doctor asap.

Better wife?

Don't worry about being normal ... just be kind. As long as you are kind and treat others the way that you would want to be treated you will be fine. How hard is that?

Have all new coil packs on my 02 F150 5.4 still have miss,check egn.light lock-out overdrive light goes out?

changed all coils. Had miss,pluged into box.. miss fire 1,3,4, new coils installed, have miss. Light comes on at acceleration. Goes out with overdrive locked out. ??

Ricky Hatton vs Paulie Malignaggi in the Works?

I think that Paulie can pull an upset of Hatton... he has fast hands, good movement, and an amazing chin. Also hatton is always over weight so perhaps the weight drain will give him problems

On a 2001 Nissan Sentra GXE will 13 inch steel rims fit, I know 14 is stock?

I have a set of 13 inch wheels that fit fine on 92 civic cx. I have a 2001 Nissan sentra gxe with 14 x 6 steel rims on which I would like to place these 13 x 5 inch wheels with winter tires for the season since they are narrower, they will cut through snow better. I know they have the same bolt pattern, but will they clear the brakes? Also, lug size is 12mm x 1.5 for the ones off the civic, the ones currently on the sentra are 12 mm x 1.25 lug size, does this matter?

Can spam get you arrested?

Don't worry, if you did not initiate the spam, you would not be held responsible. Everything is traceable electronically. Actually many people's email address books have been hacked into, I have received spam and through friends and relatives who would never do that. This is happening much more often than you think.

Is there a movie character named Ron Burgundy and how is Obama like him?

Yes it'a Will Farrel comedy called Anchorman. Youtube it. I don't know where you heard Obama was like him, but I'm not going to try and make the comparison.

From a legislative point of view, what are the benefits and downfalls of legalizing pot?

Removing the profit removes the criminal.Like the C.I.A.and F.B.I. and local police and government officials.Portugal did it and the addiction was cut in half.Legalizing is controlling the problem.

Common Civil Code?

I have remained a strong advocate of implementation of common civil code in India if not on all issues but at least on issue concerning marriage, divorce & maintenance. I know many of you will not agree with me because of religious beliefs, but when some real problem arise in your matrimonial life you all looking for its solution, & if by chance you come to know had there been a common matrimonial law with all the provisions that could have covered your matrimonial problem you would be better placed than what you are now. In India the government enacted The Special Marriage Act, 1954 that was a step towards the implementation of the common civil code, but unfortunately very few know about this enactment, even if you marry according to your religious rites & customs you can get your such a marriage register under this Act, benefit of this will be that after such a registration you can avail all the provisions of this Act. My question is what do you say about it?

Why do some churches such as the Roman Catholic ones have images of Jesus, Mary and Joesph?

The first commandment that Moses wrote down which God commanded him to write clearly indcated that " ' Thou shall not make any graven images of me (God) or of the sea or of the underworld.' " Why does the Roman Catholic church makes images and statues and tinted windows which shiny colours and why do they call the priest ' Father.' Why? I also went to a Roman Catholic school but all of these teachings and doing seem to be in contradiction with the teachings of the Holy Bible.

Hey Bears fans... Are the Colts who you thought they were?

The Bears are EXACTLY who we thought they were, just another run-of-the-mill NFC team offered for sacrifice this time every year.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Zsi D67 Freezer Is Not Working?

The Bottom Freezer Is Not Working And All The Food Is Defrosting, And The Red Light At The Top Of The Freezer Is Also Off And Cold Steam Is Not Coming Out Of The Freezer. What Is Wrong With The Fridge? Thank You.

Friends with benefits (guys )?

why would you want to be a fwb with a girl. like im a girl, and i just kinda wanna know. what makes that so exiciting for boys. why do they want it so much?

Sistersssss, what do you do ?

i'll put my hand out, and then when they try and shake it, i'll swing my hand up, and then say "aww u missed", lets try again. so i put my hand while he tries to grab and then i'll swing my hand up again, then say "haha missed again", lool i'll keep doing this till they get pissed off :P

Christmas Ideas for my boyfriend..???

This is one time you REALLY need to ask him. There might be something he cannot get over there that would make him more comfortable. Please ask him.

I have this one guy friend that always....?

if you really wanted him to stop you wouldn't have told him some stuff you've done already. your only basically saying its ok. and its nature lol.

Been Drinking Very Heavy For Many Years, Stopped 4 Days Ago, No Withdrawel Symptoms As Of Yet?? Please Advise.?

Well done you for stopping, I am currently in the process of a divorce with my husband as he is an alcoholic. He had terrible withdrawal symptoms, ended up in hospital and all sorts, so yes from what you have said you have been lucky. Just drink plenty of water etc. Keep it up

How do you make vegan gravy?

Melt some vegan margarine in a pot, and then turn off the burner & add enough flour/cornstarch/arrowroot/whatever to make a thick paste. (This is called a roux.) Then add some broth (or boullion disolved in hot water), mix it up well with the roux so there's no lumps. Turn the heat back on medium/low & just let it simmer for a bit while almost constantly stirring, so it doesn't burn on the bottom. Keep cooking 'til it's thick enough. I also like to add some Bragg's/soy sauce and/or miso paste. Ocionally, I'll also add some sauteed onions or finely chopped mushrooms, depending on how ambitious I'm feeling. :) If you don't add Bragg's, you probably would want to add a little salt and/or other herbs. Sage or "poultry seasoning" (It's vegan.) are great for gravy.

What is L.A. really like ?

ok so from what i heard, L.A. is ghetto and not as you see in reality tv shows. and you don't see celebrities. i just met a girl that moved in my town from L.A. County and she told me it is simply horrible. even so i always wanted to live there and live a nice, party life that i see in "the hills". of course, i dont expect exactly the glamorous life that lauren conrad is living but still. oh and i wanna become a journalist, and move there. do you think i could make a living in L.A. just from journalism ?

Ohio State overrated?

Why is Ohio St. always highly rated in BCS. They are ok but the most of the teams they play could win playing high school teams. Example: Kent State, Youngstown St., Akron, ect.If they were in the SEC they would be like 2-10 at best.

Does Sprint offer good cell reception in the Lake George, Glens Falls area of upstate New York?

If not, who is the best in the area? I am moving up there in a week and need to decide which company to switch to. Thanks in advance for helping me out.

I want to ask about gcse english courseworks?

It would help if you did complete the coursework because it is worth a large percentage. Also if you get a low examination mark, your coursework can bring the grade up. Otherwise your stuck with your exam mark. Yes, try to complete at least some part of it if possible, or revise and get a really good mark on your exam.

Zombie films for my 15th birthday?

I'm allowed to watch ANY 15, but not 18s. I like good graphics and gore. I don't really want like a spooky one. I want a kill all zombie fest sorta thing. I'm having a few mates over and i want to be able to laugh about it afterwards. Thank you.

Rate My Fanasty Fball Team... ( Your gonna wanna see it )?

I have to say I am a bit surprised that team is undeated but congrats, I would go with CP over BR. and keep the rest of the roster exactly as it is

BREAKING NEWS: Nnamdi Asomugha going to Eagles?

What does this mean for the team? How about Asante Samuel? If they weren't already, does this make them favorites in the NFC East? Conference?

Which of these sounds better?

I don't really like the name Travis that much. For the boy name, I would choose Trent Lucas. For the girl names, I like Isabella Nicole or Isabella Grace. I think those two are pretty.

Is this outfit too prissy. If so, how can i give it a little edge?

im going on a date tonight and im gonna wear white heeled shoes, a long pastel pink dress with fllowers. my pocketbook will be light pink. it's kind of like a clutch type thing. short white on up cardigan. and my makeup will be peach lipgloss and black mascara. i'm 19 (:

Is a pocket camcorder a good idea?

Alright so I've wanted to do some video for a while (video reviews of products, possibly vblogging, and recording other cool things while I'm out and about) but I'm not 100% sure how I'll like it. I was thinking of buying a Creative Vado HD because I do want the videos to be high quality but I'll mainly be uploading them to YouTube. When I do product reviews or speak into the camera, I'll use a tripod but when I'm out and about, I may not. Does the Vado sound like a good choice for what I'm trying to do? If not, what's a good alternative? Thanks a lot!


Mata Keranjang...3.10 [ NOW A NON RUNNER] ... ...................... TAKE IT TO THE MAX [nap].. 3.25.. Hay............. Bow To No One.. 3.55.. Ascot... Res Gene Autry .. 5.05.. Ascot... [2nd res Parchment.. 5.20 Red]

Scion tc exhuast questions?

does replace any custom or better exhaust will improve car's horsepower? or run more smooth than before it was with the original exhaust? im thinking about replace my original exhaust on a scion tc to 1 of the better exhaust and make it sound better.

Does Christianity cause or could it prevent the 30% of all youth suicides committed by s?

phobic and -obsessive Christians do not represent Christ's love with gay youth and teens. They present a stance that is non empathetic and are reasons young LGBTs are afraid to come to church. Apparently this is happening on university campuses as well where you would expect better. I'm hearing that LGBT young people report that their high schools were more open to them than their colleges are when they arrive on campus. Fortunately there are many Christians who do welcome all to church, including LGBT individuals. We are not ping judgment and aren't asking about their personal lives...we just say "welcome, we're glad your here!"

Redskin potato clarification please?

Red potatoes have less starch. Some say they are less suitable for mashed potatoes than their starchier cousins, russets for example. When I mash them, I do not peel them. The skin adds a colorful extra to the mashed potatoes.

2 Pints Of Lager and a Packet of Crisp POLL!!!!?

Bring johnny back definitely, i dont like this gaz and janet storyline, its silly. I dont like the new camp bar man either.

Is magnesium ribbon supposed to ignite when dipped in water?

i got magnesium ribbon for christmas (ya i know. i love science and experiments so i asked for that and like potium permanganate and glycerine and stuff like that) and i saw a video that showed these guys dipping it in water and it lit up. i know its the stuff thats used in flares and i have lit it before with candles (outside) but it never worked for me by just dipping it in water. so is it even supposed to light in water or were they just being tricky little s?

How many more screwups and lies will the American people tolerate before they demand that Bush be impeached?

Not many more, but the Democratic party wants to keep the Bush administration and republican party incompetence and corruption on the front page so that the GOP will be decimated in the 2008 elections.

Should the cain be brought back ?!?

The cane should definitely be brought back. At home and at school. A little /caning never killed anybody. We could have an open debate on this. The fact remains if children are not disciplined at an early age they will do what we now see on our streets and in schools. I was in school when caning was acceptable and we dreaded to do any thing we knew would invite caning. When I look back I know that had it not been for the caning I would have been one of those you now see on the streets. Misbehaviour with teachers should never be allowed or tolerated or with anybody else for that matter. Teachers are here to build the future and character of a child. How can we be mute spectators and allow this to carry on.